RIAS Quarterly Magazine: Issue 56

 The latest RIAS Quarterly Magazine: Issue 56

Print copies of the magazine priced at £12.50 can be purchased from the online Bookshop

In this issue:
  • What is Retrofit?
  • A Retrofit Conversation
  • Revitalising Woodside Flats
  • New Scottish galleries
  • The Lighthouse
  • Strathnaver Museum 
Check out the latest Book review from page 87:  
  • Architectures of the Technopolis: Archigram and the British High Tech
    Annette Fierro (Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd).
    £50.00 in the RIAS Bookshop. 
  • The Religious Architecture of Alvar, Aino abd Elissa Aalto
    Sofia Singler (Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd).
    £49.99 in the RIAS Bookshop.

  • Piranesi and the Modern Age
    Victor Plahte Tschudi (MIT Press Ltd).
    £45.00 in the RIAS Bookshop.