Sustainable Renovation

Sustainable Renovation

Chris Morgan
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In this guide, we describe ten ways in which those involved in the retrofit and renovation of Scotland’s homes can improve upon current practice, achieving better energy performance while simultaneously gaining wider sustainability benefits. We look at a more balanced approach that values energy efficiency equally with the health of occupants and the long-term durability of buildings, and that considers the reality of buildings as built, rather than the theoretical models which tend to inform policy and practice. We look at how we can better engage with people, and learn from established conservation practice to help with the practicalities of working with existing buildings.

This guide will be of interest to anyone working with existing buildings, from those working in government, housing associations and councils, as well as architects, surveyors, builders and those wanting to refurbish their own homes. The guide includes detailed information and drawings of exactly how parts of a building can be upgraded along with a commentary on practical issues to look out for, and why our guidance differs from most conventional wisdom on the subject.

The second edition reflects changes in the regulatory environment in the five years since the first edition was written in 2018 and updates the indicative costs of energy - although costs are changing on a monthly basis at present, so readers will need to exercise some caution in interpreting those parts of the book. Other changes include the addition of a section on climate adaptation, extension of the section on timber-framed walls, addition of a short section on making homes "heat pump ready" and commentary on scaling retrofit in the future.

Author: Chris Morgan

Publisher: The Pebble Trust

Format: Paperback

Pages: 150

ISBN: 9781999329327

Publication Date: August 2023