Great ecclesiastical city, Tobacco Lord city, Merchant City, cotton city, industrial city, second city of the Empire: Glasgow has been all of these. Companion volume to Central Glasgow, this book focuses upon the architectural treasures of the outer suburbs and ancient villages. From Govan to Easterhouse, from the Cathkin Braes to Shieldhall, from West End to 'Sou-side' - from private mansions to public buildings: this Guide encompasses the work of many illustrious Scottish architects of the 18th to 21st centuries, from the world famous to the many who are less known beyond the city. The story of Glasgow is told in its buildings; built for bishops, merchants, industrial machines and for its own people; the architecture of the city is at once its memory and its future. Knowledgeably written and fully illustrated, this book reveals many unknown gems in an easily accessible format.
Author: Sam Small
Publisher: The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
Format: Paperback
Pages: 239
ISBN: 9781873190326
Publication date: 2008