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JCT Standard Building Contract With Approximate Quantities 2016

JCT Standard Building Contract With Approximate Quantities 2016

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JCT Standard Building Contract with Approximate Quantities 2016

  • The employer must provide drawings and approximate bills of quantities. The contractor must provide a tender sum which is only an indication of the likely price of the works.
  • The price and payment structure of the contract is based on a tender figure which is converted to a final sum on re-measurement and valuation of all work. Interim payments are monthly.
  • Sub-Contractors can be appointed with written permission of the architect/contract administrator or selected from a list of three names.
  • Provisions are included for collaborative working, sustainability, advance payment, bonds (advance payment, off-site materials, retention), third party rights and collateral warranties, named specialists, and a 'Contractor's Designed Portion'.
  • Pre-Construction Services Agreement (General Contractor) (PCSA) and Pre-Construction Services Agreement (Specialist) (PCSA/SP) can be used with this contract.
  • This contract can be used with the Framework Agreement (FA).
  • For use of both private and public sector projects.


  • For larger works designed and/or detailed by or on behalf of the Employer, where detailed contract provisions are necessary and the Employer is to provide the Contractor with drawings
  • With approximate bills of quantities to define the quantity and quality of the work, which are to be subject to re-measurement, as there is insufficient time to prepare the detailed drawings necessary for accurate bills of quantities to be produced
  • Where an Architect/Contract Administrator and Quantity Surveyor are to administer the conditions

Can be used:

  • Where the Contractor is to design discrete part(s) of the works (contractor's designed portion)
  • Where the works are to be carried out in sections
  • By both private and local authority employers



                  Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd

                  Format: Paperback

                  ISBN: 9780414059344

                  Short Code: JCT SBC/AQ/2016

                  Publication Date: June 2016



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