Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future. So said the iconic Ray Bradbury, and indeed history as we know it begins with the invention of the library. Libraries is a visual exploration of how cultures around the world have responded to the impulse to protect and interact with the written word; for the story of the human experience is told not only in the books on a librarys shelves, but also in its architecture. Lavishly illustrated with stunning photography, readers are invited into the most ornate libraries, lauded universities and innovative design works on earth; the mannerist and the ultra-modern, the opulent and the austere. As libraries and their architecture continue to evolve at breakneck speed, Libraries captures the particular atmosphere of hushed reverence evoked by these cornerstones of society. Detailed information on each building in English, Spanish, French and German.
Author: Foreword By Bjarne Hammer
Publisher: Roads Publishing
Format: Hardback
Pages: TBC
ISBN: 9781909399105
Publication Date: 2014