Planning, Politics and City: Making A Case Study of King's Cross

Planning, Politics and City: Making A Case Study of King's Cross

Peter Bishop and Lesley Williams
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Whilst there is extensive literature analysing the design and function of new buildings and places, the actual process through which development proposals are actually fashioned - through complex negotiation and deal making, involving many different stakeholders with different agendas - is largely undocumented. Conventional planning theory tends to assume a logical, rational and linear decision-making process, which bears little relationship to reality. This book aims to shed some light on that reality.

The King's Cross scheme is one of the largest and most complex developments taking place in Britain today. The planning negotiations, which took six years, were probably some of the most exhaustive debates around a development ever. A report of over 600 pages of technical information was eventually presented to committee, and after two evenings and ten hours of presentations and debate, the committee approved the scheme by just two votes.

Drawing on first-hand interviews and full access to previously confidential material from primary sources, Planning, Politics and City Making: A Case Study of King's Cross is a fascinating insight into a rarely-told story.

Author: Peter Bishop and Lesley Williams

Publisher: RIBA Publishing

Format: Paperback

Pages: 225

ISBN: 9781859466353

Publication Date: November 2016