SBCC produces building contracts and guides designed to meet the needs of the construction industry in Scotland. They are based on JCT contracts but compliant with Scottish law and practice.
- for the supply of pre-construction services by a Contractor selected under a two-stage tendering procedure; and
- where the main contract is to be the 2016 Editions of the SBCC Standard Building Contract, Design Build Contract, Minor Works Contract or Minor Works with Design Contract.
Can be used:
- whether or not the Contractor is to be responsible for any design work;
- where there is to be novation to the Contractor of any specialist sub-contract(s) or supply contract(s) or (in the case of a Design and Build Contract) any consultancy agreement(s);
- by both private and local authority employers; and
Not suitable for use:
- between a Contractor and a sub-contractor.
Publisher: SBCC
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781909432444
SBCC Code: SBC586
Short Code: PCSA/Scot 2019
Publication Date: August 2020