Professionalism is not automatic with qualification. It is decided by the manner in which you carry out your professional life - the conduct and qualities that you bring to your role. In architecture, it is founded on the principles of honesty, integrity and competence, and a concern for the environment and others.
As a trusted expert, it is essential that you gain respect for your skills and knowledge while maintaining veracity and transparency in your relationships and dealings with clients, end users, design and construction professionals and the wider public.
With a focus on professional judgement, this book is a personal guide on how to be a self-aware and successful practitioner, aspiring to best practice.
It will give you the confidence to create meaningful industry connections and handle contractual disputes, insurance and negligence claims while maintaining a high standard of conduct.
By paying attention to business planning, financial processes, good management and effective communication, it will help you to protect your practice's reputation and increase profitability and cashflow. Ultimately, it will enable you to not only avoid professional pitfalls but to benefit from positive working relationships.
Author: Richard Brindley
Publisher: RIBA Publishing
Format: Paperback
Pages: 212
ISBN: 9781859469583
Publication Date: December 2021