Town planning. Interest-led, open-minded education. Conservation of worthwhile buildings. Community gardens. All are so central to modern society that we tend to think we invented them. In fact they were first visualised by Sir Patrick Geddes, one of the greatest forward-thinkers of the modern world.
A Victorian Scot, Geddes went out of fashion after his death but in recent years he has become almost a patron saint of the sustainable development movement. His ideas and his practical example continue to inspire the world.
This new edition of Think Global, Act Local incorporates much new work on Geddes and examines in particular the question of how this Scot from a fairly humble background, with no university degree, could be welcomed into the Darwin/Huxley circle, could be the confident of two Viceroys and twice be offered a knighthood.
Editor: Walter Stephen
Publisher: Luath Press
Format: Paperback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9781910745090
Publication Date: December 2015