What Colour Is Your Building is the result of many years' analysis and design of low energy buildings.
The first part of the book focuses on how to measure and benchmark CO2 emissions due to the operating, embodied and transport energy consumption associated with commercial buildings and the people using them. A simple whole carbon footprint methodology is proposed which can be used to put into context real (not theoretical) energy consumption, embodied carbon (new build and refurbish v demolish), and the significant impact the location of a building has on the CO2 emissions of people travelling to work.
The second part of the book provides clear, practical guidance to developers, planners, architects, engineers, building owners, facility managers, and tenants on how to reduce the whole carbon footprint. This includes 10 steps to low energy buildings, the contribution that renewable energy can realistically make, the use of lower carbon materials in construction, refurbishment and fit-out, and how to encourage greener methods of travel. An overview of the ingredients to include in a business case to justify investment in low energy/carbon buildings is also provided. The book will be accompanied by electronic appendices which are free to download.
Author: David H Clark
Publisher: RIBA Publishing
Format: Paperback
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9781859464472
Publication Date: July 2013